Tues­day 10 am Update — We cur­rent­ly have 248 out­ages.  The major­i­ty of these are in the Ben­netts Point Area.   Crews are deployed and work­ing to restore pow­er to all mem­bers as quick­ly and safe­ly as pos­si­ble.   We do expect con­di­tions to wors­en this after­noon through Thurs­day with a lot more rain, flood­ing, and winds.    Crews will con­tin­ue to restore all out­ages as weath­er con­di­tions allow them to do so.

We urge all mem­bers to stay indoors.  Do not enter flood­ed areas, which can con­ceal downed wires or oth­er poten­tial haz­ards.  Water is a great con­duc­tor of elec­tric­i­ty and you should always assume any downed pow­er lines are ener­gized.

Downed pow­er lines and flood waters cre­ate an extreme­ly high risk of elec­tro­cu­tion.


Con­sumer-mem­ber reports are vital as we work to restore pow­er.  Please report out­ages or downed wires through the SmartHub app or web­site, by call­ing the auto­mat­ed line at 843–538-5800, or call 843–538-5700 to speak to a mem­ber rep­re­sen­ta­tive.

Col­leton Coun­ty Fire Res­cue — Sand­bag Oper­a­tions
Sand and bags are avail­able today behind Fire-Res­cue Head­quar­ters, 113 Mable T Willis Blvd. Weath­er per­mit­ting the oper­a­tion will run until 5 PM. Bring a shov­el.