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Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive is close­ly mon­i­tor­ing the path and poten­tial impacts of Trop­i­cal Storm Deb­by as it devel­ops, prepar­ing to respond quick­ly and safe­ly should out­ages occur.

Line­men are prep­ping trucks with all nec­es­sary sup­plies and mate­ri­als for any out­ages that may occur as a result of the storm. Sys­tem oper­a­tors mon­i­tor the CEC pow­er sys­tem and weath­er on a dai­ly, 24-hour basis and all oth­er employ­ees are on high alert, ready to respond to mem­ber needs, includ­ing the cooperative’s member/customer ser­vice con­tact cen­ter.

CEC urges mem­bers to act now to make prepa­ra­tions to remain safe and com­fort­able in the event of an out­age.

How You Can Pre­pare: 

  • Assem­ble an emer­gency kit. It should include at least a three-day sup­ply of water, non-per­ish­able food, med­ica­tion, first aid sup­plies, a flash­light, weath­er radio and extra bat­ter­ies. Include a list of emer­gency con­tacts.
  • Charge your cell phone and have exter­nal, back­up pow­er sources charged.
  • Devel­op an evac­u­a­tion plan in case it’s need­ed. Com­mu­ni­cate the plan to your fam­i­ly. Include pets or live­stock in your plan.
  • Secure out­door items. Safe­ly store lawn fur­ni­ture, dec­o­ra­tions, toys, garbage cans and oth­er items that can be brought indoors.
  • Close win­dows and doors in the event of high winds.
  • Fuel up. Fill up your vehi­cles before the storm as a loss of pow­er could put affect gas sta­tions.
  • Con­sid­er hav­ing sup­plies handy for your propane or char­coal grill. Be sure to grill out­doors in well-ven­ti­lat­ed areas for safe­ty.

Keep the CEC out­age report­ing num­ber handy: 843–538-5800. Mem­bers can also report out­ages on the SmartHub mobile app, avail­able for free on app stores.  Out­ages may also be mon­i­tored on our Out­age Map.

As a reminder, if heavy rains and strong winds lead to downed lines, stay away! Con­tact with downed lines can be dan­ger­ous, even dead­ly. Report downed pow­er lines to CEC at 843–538-5700 with a mem­ber rep­re­sen­ta­tive.