November Giveaway!

For our Novem­ber give­away, we will be ran­dom­ly award­ing one mem­ber a $100 gift card! 

What do you have to do to qual­i­fy?  Sim­ply sign up to par­tic­i­pate in Paper­less Billing with­in your SmartHub account.  You will be auto­mat­i­cal­ly entered to win.

Paper­less Billing allows you to access, view and pay your CEC bill online.  Instead of a month­ly paper bill being mailed to you, you will receive an email with the amount due, due date and link to the SmartHub online billing and pay­ment por­tal.   It’s easy, con­ve­nient, and free.

All par­tic­i­pants must be signed up for Paper­less Billing pri­or to Decem­ber 15, 2022 to be eli­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate.
