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Expe­ri­ence sav­ings on restau­rants, golf, shop­ping, trav­el, fam­i­ly fun, auto­mo­tive, movies, insur­ance… every­thing you can imag­ine is here. Co-op Con­nec­tions has the best deals all in one place.

Community Solar

With Community Solar, You Can Go Solar Without Installing Panels on Your Property

If you’re inter­est­ed in Com­mu­ni­ty Solar with Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, read on to learn about all the advan­tages and pric­ing of the pro­gram, how much ener­gy we pro­duce, and then down­load the Com­mu­ni­ty Solar Sub­scrip­tion Appli­ca­tion [PDF] , read over and sign, and return it to us. It’s that easy!

Solar Energy is Free

CEC Com­mu­ni­ty Solar Farm uses the free and renew­able ener­gy of the sun.

Produces Electricity

Solar pan­els con­vert the sun’s ener­gy into usable elec­tric­i­ty for pur­chase.

Powers Your Home

Your solar sub­scrip­tion helps pow­er your home and is applied to your bill.


Upfront Charge

$30 appli­ca­tion fee (non-refund­able)

Monthly Fee

$20 par­tic­i­pa­tion fee per sub­scribed kW block of solar pow­er

Monthly Credit

Ener­gy pro­duced by your sub­scribed blocks are cred­it­ed at retail rates

How It Works

Infographic on how Community Solar works, with a transcript below

Solar for your home is as easy as 1–2‑3.

1 — Choose. Sub­scribe to the elec­tric­i­ty from CEC’s solar site in 1 kW blocks. You can sub­scribe to a max­i­mum of 3 blocks. A month­ly sub­scrip­tion fee of $20 will be charged for each block.

2 — Enroll. Com­plete the sub­scrip­tion agree­ment indi­cat­ing the num­ber of kW blocks you desire at a cost of $20 per block per month (max­i­mum 3 per mem­ber).

3 ‑Solar Ener­gy. You are now part of CEC’s Com­mu­ni­ty Solar Pro­gram and will start receiv­ing ener­gy cred­its on your month­ly elec­tric bill. Each month, you will receive a cred­it based on the elec­tric­i­ty pro­duced by the block or blocks you sub­scribed to. Cred­its are cal­cu­lat­ed at cur­rent retail rates.

Why Community Solar?
Environmentally friendly and renewable power source.
No HomeOwners Association restrictions to overcome.
It’s easier and hassle free: NO installers in your home and NO holes drilled in your roof.
No liability.
Subscriptions stay with you if you move to a new address within CEC’s territory.

Vis­it for more infor­ma­tion »