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Co-op Connections Card

Expe­ri­ence sav­ings on restau­rants, golf, shop­ping, trav­el, fam­i­ly fun, auto­mo­tive, movies, insur­ance… every­thing you can imag­ine is here. Co-op Con­nec­tions has the best deals all in one place.

Programs and Services

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive has cre­at­ed a num­ber of pro­grams and ser­vices to make life eas­i­er, from pay­ment arrange­ments to ener­gy-relat­ed loans and cred­it.

A woman relaxes with her dog and laptop

Levelized Billing

Keep your bill on the lev­el – no sur­pris­es, pay the same amount every month, no mat­ter the weath­er or usage.

A senioor citizen views her bill online.

SSI/SSDI Payments

Don’t wor­ry about pay­ments while wait­ing for a Social Secu­ri­ty or Dis­abil­i­ty check. Take charge of your pay­ment sched­ule.

Pictured is a home with solar panels

Member-Owned Solar

Feed­ing renew­able ener­gy to the grid from your solar sys­tem and get­ting pow­er when solar isn’t enough requires inter­con­nec­tion.

A woman changes her thermostat settings to save money.

Energy Advance Loans

Coastal Elec­tric can help finance your ener­gy-sav­ing home improve­ment projects with a com­pet­i­tive, fixed-rate loan.

Young business couple at bakery table going over expenses.

Advance Pay

This self-man­aged pay­ment option lets you bud­get wise­ly. Pay when you want in the amounts you want.

CEC CEO, , Mark Walling, at solar farm.

Community Solar

With Com­mu­ni­ty Solar, you can share in the ben­e­fits of solar pow­er, even with­out installing solar pan­els on your prop­er­ty.

Home generator is pictured

Generator Loans

We offer qual­i­fy­ing mem­bers whole-house back­up gen­er­a­tors through our Ener­gy Advance loan pro­gram. 

Hands washing dishes in household sink.

H2O Select

Qual­i­fied mem­bers of Coastal Elec­tric can receive financ­ing for a new, effi­cient elec­tric water heater.