Here are the Giveaway Winners!

Over the last few months, Coastal Elec­tric has run pro­mo­tions encour­ag­ing mem­bers to sign up for pro­grams that are designed to make your life eas­i­er – our SmartHub por­tal, which offers unpar­al­leled con­trol over your account; the ease of paper­less billing; and the “set it and for­get it” con­ve­nience of Auto­Pay.

The fol­low­ing mem­bers each won a $100 gift card in a ran­dom draw­ing after sim­ply opt­ing into those time-sav­ing pro­grams:

Octo­ber — The win­ner of the SmartHub sign-up pro­mo­tion was Lori Weiss

Novem­ber — Then win­ner of the Paper­less Billing sign-up pro­mo­tion was Manuel & Ruby Till­man

Decem­ber — The win­ner of the Auto­Pay sign-up pro­mo­tion was Ted­dy Hebert

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all the win­ners, and be sure to look out for future mem­ber pro­mo­tions right here on our web­site.

Contest winners pose with their gift card prizes
Our win­ners are (left to right) Lori Weiss, Ruby Till­man, and Ted­dy Hebert