Help­ing some­one with their util­i­ty pay­ment is an espe­cial­ly prac­ti­cal, thought­ful ges­ture, and a con­ve­nient gift. When you send this form, along with a check or mon­ey order in the amount of your choice, your gift will be cred­it­ed to the recipient’s Coastal Elec­tric account and they will receive a Gift of Lights receipt in the mail.

  • You must name a recip­i­ent — we are unable to choose a ran­dom recip­i­ent for you.
  • For secu­ri­ty pur­pos­es, spe­cif­ic account infor­ma­tion, such as past due bal­ances, or account sta­tus, can­not be shared.
  • Please allow up to one week for your gift pay­ment to be applied.

For more infor­ma­tion or any ques­tions, please give us a call at 843–538-5700.

A light bulb wearing a Santa hat on a red background. Text reads, "Give The Gift Of Lights" and "CEC Coastal Electric Cooperative."