Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month

The loca­tion of your ther­mo­stat can impact your HVAC system’s abil­i­ty to main­tain an ide­al indoor tem­per­a­ture. For max­i­mum accu­ra­cy, ther­mostats should be placed in the cen­ter of the home, away from air vents, plumb­ing pipes and exte­ri­or doors.

Avoid plac­ing items like lamps and tele­vi­sions near your ther­mo­stat, which can cause the HVAC to run longer than nec­es­sary. Avoid installing ther­mostats in rooms that tend to feel warmer or cold­er than the rest of the home. Do not place fur­ni­ture in front of the ther­mo­stat, which can block air flow and result in inac­cu­rate read­ings.