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Co-op Connections Card

Expe­ri­ence sav­ings on restau­rants, golf, shop­ping, trav­el, fam­i­ly fun, auto­mo­tive, movies, insur­ance… every­thing you can imag­ine is here. Co-op Con­nec­tions has the best deals all in one place.

Economic Development

The Rur­al Devel­op­ment Act of 1996 pro­vides incen­tives for eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment in rur­al areas. As a result, elec­tric coop­er­a­tives have invest­ed mil­lions of dol­lars in com­mu­ni­ty infra­struc­ture con­struc­tion and improve­ment projects.

The act expands Jobs Tax Cred­its, espe­cial­ly in poor coun­ties, to estab­lish a Rur­al Infra­struc­ture Fund and to allow local gov­ern­ments more flex­i­bil­i­ty in attract­ing new indus­tri­al invest­ment.

South Carolina Power Team

The South Car­oli­na Pow­er Team was formed by the inde­pen­dent elec­tric coop­er­a­tives of South Car­oli­na along with the state-owned San­tee Coop­er in 1988. It has helped to bring more than $9 bil­lion in cap­i­tal invest­ment to the state.

Dur­ing the site selec­tion process, projects often encounter chal­lenges as the deci­sion to locate oper­a­tions in South Car­oli­na pro­gress­es. The elec­tric coop­er­a­tives and the South Car­oli­na Pow­er Team have con­sis­tent­ly come to the table with inno­v­a­tive solu­tions that play a crit­i­cal role in com­bat­ting these chal­lenges and assist­ing com­pa­nies in choos­ing our state.

The South Car­oli­na Pow­er Team con­cen­trates its eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment effort in rur­al coun­ties, and the pay­off has grown into more than 50,000 active and announced new jobs.

South Carolina Regional Development Alliance

The SCA, South Car­oli­na Region­al Devel­op­ment Alliance, is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion formed as a crit­i­cal con­nec­tor, link­ing indus­try and gov­ern­ment lead­ers at the state, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­els. Work­ing to diver­si­fy the state’s econ­o­my with proac­tive, pro-busi­ness ini­tia­tives.

Colleton County Economic Alliance

The mis­sion of the CCEA, Col­leton Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Alliance, is to man­age the eco­nom­ic growth of Col­leton Coun­ty through new and expand­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing, dis­tri­b­u­tion, avi­a­tion, and health­care invest­ments which cre­ate qual­i­ty jobs, improve per capi­ta income and broad­en the tax base.