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Co-op Connections Card

Expe­ri­ence sav­ings on restau­rants, golf, shop­ping, trav­el, fam­i­ly fun, auto­mo­tive, movies, insur­ance… every­thing you can imag­ine is here. Co-op Con­nec­tions has the best deals all in one place.

Beat the Peak

Sign up to Beat the Peak with Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive and help con­trol ener­gy costs for all coop­er­a­tive mem­bers.

Coastal Elec­tric’s Beat the Peak pro­gram is a free and vol­un­tary effort to help con­trol ener­gy costs for all coop­er­a­tive mem­bers. The Beat the Peak pro­gram aims to reduce elec­tric­i­ty use dur­ing the time of day when pow­er use peaks, such as win­ter morn­ings when tem­per­a­tures are often at their low­est or late sum­mer after­noons when tem­per­a­tures are high­est.


Beat the Peak logoThe idea behind Beat the Peak is to shift ener­gy usage away from times when elec­tric­i­ty demand is high­est. Doing so could save the coop­er­a­tive and its mem­bers sig­nif­i­cant mon­ey over time by keep­ing the whole­sale pow­er costs low and sta­ble.

With Beat the Peak, mem­bers of Coastal Elec­tric sign-up to receive alerts dur­ing these peri­ods when whole­sale elec­tric­i­ty prices spike. These alerts will encour­age mem­bers to reduce their ener­gy use dur­ing these times and pro­vide tips on how to do that. It is not a request to stop using cer­tain appli­ances but sim­ply a request to con­sid­er shift­ing ener­gy use to dif­fer­ent hours of the day.

When CEC staff deter­mines that a peak ener­gy use peri­od is com­ing, the co-op will send a Beat the Peak alert to par­tic­i­pants. Mem­bers can choose to receive the alerts by text mes­sage, email or phone call when they sign up on the Beat the Peak web­site. Beat the Peak alerts also will be post­ed on the cooperative’s social media out­lets. Beat the Peak peri­ods typ­i­cal­ly will last only a few hours dur­ing which coop­er­a­tive mem­bers will be encour­aged to reduce high pow­er use activ­i­ties.

These are just a few of the actions mem­bers can take:

  • Adjust their ther­mo­stat by 3 degrees, mov­ing it high­er dur­ing sum­mer after­noons and low­er dur­ing win­ter morn­ings
  • Delay activ­i­ties that require hot water, such as wash­ing clothes, tak­ing show­ers, or wash­ing dish­es
  • Post­pone using big appli­ances, such as clothes dry­ers and ovens.

The alerts won’t be every day or even every week. Typ­i­cal­ly they will be on cold­est win­ter morn­ings and hottest sum­mer after­noons. Mov­ing some elec­tric­i­ty use out of those time peri­ods and into dif­fer­ent hours of the day will help hold down every­one’s costs.

Sign up today at the Beat the Peak web­site, where you can select to receive Beat the Peak alerts by text mes­sage, email, or phone call.
