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Co-op Connections Card

Expe­ri­ence sav­ings on restau­rants, golf, shop­ping, trav­el, fam­i­ly fun, auto­mo­tive, movies, insur­ance… every­thing you can imag­ine is here. Co-op Con­nec­tions has the best deals all in one place.

Service Territory

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. is a mem­ber-owned elec­tric util­i­ty locat­ed in Wal­ter­boro, SC that pro­vides pow­er to more than 11,700 con­sumers in Col­leton, Bam­berg, and Dorch­ester coun­ties in South Car­oli­na.

Coastal Electric’s ser­vice ter­ri­to­ry is divid­ed into nine dis­tricts. Each dis­trict has one elect­ed trustee to rep­re­sent all of the mem­bers of that dis­trict for a term of three years.


Active Accounts


Miles of Line


Coun­ties Served


Com­mit­ted to Excel­lence