Tuesday, March 25, at 5:00 PM | Coastal Electric Cooperative Boardroom, 2269 Jefferies Hwy, Walterboro. This is a regular meeting of the board to review cooperative matters.
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Co-op Connections Card

Expe­ri­ence sav­ings on restau­rants, golf, shop­ping, trav­el, fam­i­ly fun, auto­mo­tive, movies, insur­ance… every­thing you can imag­ine is here. Co-op Con­nec­tions has the best deals all in one place.

Coastal Electric Leadership

Mark Walling photo

Mark Walling

CEO & Pres­i­dent

MARK WALLING is the CEO of Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive, Inc. Before being named CEO in 2020, Mark was CEC’s Vice Pres­i­dent of Engi­neer­ing & Oper­a­tions for 25 years and was respon­si­ble for man­ag­ing the main­te­nance, expan­sion, and tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments increas­ing effi­cien­cies across the near­ly 2,000 miles of dis­tri­b­u­tion lines that CEC has to offer.

Pri­or to join­ing CEC, Mark worked for Duke Pow­er from 1987–1995. He earned a BS in Elec­tric Engi­neer­ing from the Uni­ver­si­ty of South Car­oli­na in 1989 and remains a reg­is­tered engi­neer in SC to this day.

A grad­u­ate of Wal­ter­boro High School in 1985, Mark is a life­long res­i­dent of Col­leton Coun­ty. With his love­ly wife Robin, they have two adult chil­dren, Megan of Wal­ter­boro and Jason of Colum­bia. When they are not trav­el­ing to places far and wide, Mark can be found in the woods enjoy­ing hunts of all kinds!

Janice Avant photo

Janice Avant

VP of Admin­is­tra­tion & Finance

JANICE AVANT, Vice Pres­i­dent of Finance & Admin­is­tra­tion, joined Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive in 1997 after work­ing in the bank­ing and audit indus­tries. Her respon­si­bil­i­ties include but are cer­tain­ly not lim­it­ed to gen­er­al account­ing, con­sumer account­ing, reg­u­la­to­ry and report­ing duties, as well as pay­roll and mem­ber ser­vices.

With years of ser­vice as the Asso­ciate VP of Account­ing for First Fed­er­al of SC, FSB, and as Accoun­tant & Audi­tor with a Pub­lic Account­ing firm spe­cial­iz­ing in Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive Audits, Jan­ice brings a wealth of knowl­edge to her posi­tion. She is a Cer­ti­fied Pub­lic Accoun­tant licensed in South Car­oli­na, a Char­tered Glob­al Man­age­ment Accoun­tant and holds mem­ber­ships with the Amer­i­can Insti­tute of CPAs, SC Asso­ci­a­tion of CPAs, and the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Accoun­tants for Coop­er­a­tives.

A grad­u­ate of Wal­ter­boro High School in 1983, she achieved her BS in Account­ing from ATU, Texas in 1987. A Col­leton Coun­ty native, Jan­ice and her hus­band Travis raised their two chil­dren, Brit­tany of James Island and Josh of New York City, here. They love trav­el­ing far and abroad, but when home they can be found enjoy­ing Low­coun­try culi­nary arts, boat­ing, and fish­ing.

Matthew Bryan photo

Matthew Bryan

VP of Engi­neer­ing & Oper­a­tions

MATTHEW BRYAN is the Vice Pres­i­dent of Engi­neer­ing & Oper­a­tions, which he was pro­mot­ed to in 2020 after serv­ing as an Engi­neer for Coastal Elec­tric since 2010. In this role, Matthew is respon­si­ble for main­tain­ing and enhanc­ing the deliv­ery of ener­gy through­out CEC’s dis­tri­b­u­tion area. Always work­ing towards improve­ment and long-term resilien­cy of the sys­tem, he brings an unmatched enthu­si­asm for the posi­tion to his team.

He grad­u­at­ed from Col­leton Prepara­to­ry Acad­e­my in 1998 and went on to achieve a BS in Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing from Clem­son Uni­ver­si­ty in 2002. As a reg­is­tered Engi­neer in SC, a license he holds still today, Matthew began his career with McCall Thomas Engi­neer­ing Com­pa­ny until his move to CEC. This move was an easy deci­sion for him as his father had retired many years pri­or from the coop­er­a­tive. Pic­tures of Matthew as a child at CEC events with his father can be found through­out the office.

Today, Matthew resides in Ruf­fin, SC with his beau­ti­ful and lov­ing wife Ash­ley, and their two chil­dren, Walk­er and Graycen, where much of his time is spent farm­ing out­doors, spend­ing time with his fam­i­ly, and enjoy­ing var­i­ous sports.