Tropical Storm Debby

Good After­noon All,

Hap­py Mon­day and wel­come to the week of T.S. Deb­by!  Just a cou­ple of quick notes as we move into what is expect­ed to be a nasty and long week.

Deb­by is mov­ing extreme­ly slow.  The pro­longed peri­od of impact is going to be the key to this storm.   She is going to drop his­toric rain­fall through Thurs­day and bring cat­a­stroph­ic flood­ing to the low-lying, coastal, and riv­er areas that could be with us well into next week.   Along with all of that rain, she is going to bring trop­i­cal storm winds that will pro­duce out­ages.   Of course, there is no crys­tal ball to know what the next few days will bring but this is noth­ing new for our area and noth­ing we can’t han­dle.

A cou­ple of updates for now…

  • The line­men will be on stand­by tomor­row as we pre­pare for out­ages that may lead into the night.
  • If you have an office that is prone to flood­ing please make sure that all items are off of the floor before leav­ing today.
  • As we do with any storm, we are hav­ing mul­ti­ple con­fer­ence calls a day with SCEMD and Statewide to stay informed of any local/state emer­gency needs and to retain resources if we need them to restore any sys­tem dam­age.

More deci­sions will be made tomor­row regard­ing whether storm hours will be imple­ment­ed and a call cen­ter with­in the front office.   We will be mon­i­tor­ing and in stand­by mode.  Every­one please be safe on the roads, take care of your homes and fam­i­ly, and pull out your hip waders!

Debby Tornado Debby Wind

Debby 5Aug2024 1130AM Rainfall