Coastal Electric Cooperative 83rd Annual Meeting

By: Mark Walling, CEO & Pres­i­dent

It’s that time of year again…Time for the Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive Annu­al Meet­ing! This year is the 83rd Annu­al Meet­ing for our Coop­er­a­tive and it will be held in the same two day, dri­ve-thru for­mat as we have uti­lized in recent years. Scroll down for details.



It’s that time of year again…Time for the Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive Annu­al Meet­ing! This year is the 83rd Annu­al Meet­ing for our Coop­er­a­tive and it will be held in the same two day, dri­ve-thru for­mat as we have uti­lized in recent years.

Annu­al Meet­ings are held each year to keep our mem­bers informed of the Co-op’s busi­ness activ­i­ties and to elect three trustees, one each from three of our nine dis­tricts, for a three-year term. If there is a con­test­ed elec­tion, any mem­ber in any dis­trict may vote for all three dis­tricts up for elec­tion. When a board seat becomes vacant pri­or to their term expi­ra­tion, a trustee will be elect­ed in the fol­low­ing elec­tion to fill that seat as well.

Annu­al Meet­ing For­mat
This year the event will be held over two days, Thurs­day, Octo­ber 5, 2023 and Fri­day, Octo­ber 6, 2023. This for­mat pro­vides more oppor­tu­ni­ties for mem­bers to reg­is­ter and vote. There will be 12 hours of ear­ly vot­ing offered on Thurs­day (7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.), fol­lowed by anoth­er 4 hours on Fri­day (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.). We will do all of this in a dri­ve-thru fash­ion. The dri­ve-thru will allow all mem­bers to stay in their vehi­cles through­out reg­is­tra­tion & vot­ing!

Mem­bers will enter the facil­i­ty from Jef­feries Hwy. through a dri­ve locat­ed in the field between North Wal­ter­boro Bap­tist Church and CEC. They will then cir­cle around the back of our build­ing to be guid­ed into the appro­pri­ate line to suit their needs. After they have com­plet­ed their reg­is­tra­tion and vot­ing from their vehi­cles, mem­bers will exit the facil­i­ty onto Cal­houn Dri­ve.

At 3:00 P.M. on Fri­day after­noon, fol­low­ing the dri­ve-thru reg­is­tra­tion and vot­ing, we will hold our Vir­tu­al Busi­ness Meet­ing. You can watch the busi­ness meet­ing by view­ing it online at A full video of the busi­ness meet­ing will be post­ed on the web­site after the live view­ing has con­clud­ed for every­one that would like to watch it at their con­ve­nience.

All mem­bers or joint mem­bers who attend, reg­is­ter and vote are eli­gi­ble for the $15 account cred­it & prize entry (only one per mem­ber­ship). This year’s grand prizes will be a rid­ing lawn mow­er, $300 cred­it on elec­tric bill and a flat screen TV. In addi­tion to these, 15 raf­fle prizes will be drawn. The draw­ing for these prizes will take place at the end of our busi­ness meet­ing. You do not have to be present to win.