Hurricane Idalia Update

We are con­tin­u­ing to mon­i­tor Hur­ri­cane Idalia as she moves toward our area and we begin to feel the out­er bands. With immi­nent weath­er approach­ing out­ages can be expect­ed. A few reminders for our mem­bers…
- Out­ages may be report­ed via phone at 843–538-5800 or through your SmartHub app.
- DO NOT report out­ages via email or Face­book.
- Stay away from all down pow­er­lines.
- If using a gen­er­a­tor, DO NOT feed it direct­ly into your main break­er with­out the instal­la­tion of a prop­er trans­fer switch.
- You can mon­i­tor the out­ages in your area on our web­site at
We will con­tin­ue to post updates here through­out the storm. Be Safe.