We’re Here to Serve You

By Anne Prince

Vintage photo of four Coastal Electric Cooperative employees standing in front of a CEC truck.
Pic­tured (date unknown) are ear­ly CEC employ­ees (L‑R) Richard Dean, work order clerk; Earl Bish­op, truck dri­ver; Ger­ald Web­ster, line­man; and R. Mon­roe Cros­by, line­man.

“We’re here to serve you.” We’ve all heard this phrase count­less times. These words may sound gener­ic, but to us – your local elec­tric coop­er­a­tive – they mean every­thing.

Coastal Elec­tric Coop­er­a­tive was cre­at­ed to serve our com­mu­ni­ty. Back in the day, neigh­bors band­ed togeth­er and formed our co-op for the com­mon good. In our case, it was the only way the com­mu­ni­ty could bring elec­tric­i­ty to the area where there was none. In doing so, CEC helped the com­mu­ni­ty thrive. That mis­sion-focused her­itage is the gold­en thread that is woven through­out our his­to­ry.

Today, we are con­tin­u­ing to pow­er the com­mu­ni­ty. While our focus has remained steady on pro­vid­ing reli­able ener­gy to our mem­bers, today’s ener­gy land­scape and con­sumer expec­ta­tions are far dif­fer­ent than they were decades ago. That’s why we’re adapt­ing, to keep pace with chang­ing tech­nol­o­gy, evolv­ing needs and new expec­ta­tions.

Serv­ing as your trust­ed ener­gy advi­sor means we want to help you save ener­gy (and mon­ey) and pro­vide advice and infor­ma­tion on a broad range of ener­gy top­ics. For exam­ple, if you’re look­ing for ways to save ener­gy, check out www.coastal.coop for ener­gy-sav­ing tips and ideas to increase the ener­gy effi­cien­cy of your home. Con­sid­er sched­ul­ing a free ener­gy audit with one of our ener­gy experts to iden­ti­fy ways you can save ener­gy at home. Under­stand­ing how your home uses ener­gy can help deter­mine the best ways to mod­i­fy ener­gy use and there­by keep more mon­ey in your wal­let.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing a rooftop solar instal­la­tion, our ener­gy advi­sors would be hap­py to give you an unbi­ased view of the pros and cons. Invest­ing in a solar sys­tem is a major deci­sion, and it’s impor­tant to ful­ly under­stand the costs, respon­si­bil­i­ties and poten­tial ener­gy sav­ings. Unlike a solar com­pa­ny that has one objective––to sell their prod­ucts and services––we will look at the total ener­gy pic­ture and help you deter­mine the best options for your home. We under­stand that home­own­ers must under­take their due dili­gence, and we’re here to help you through that process.

So, the next time you hear Coastal Elec­tric use the phrase “we’re here to serve you,” we hope you know that we mean it. Ser­vice is deeply ingrained into who we are. We con­tin­ue to evolve with the times, and in return, we’ve found addi­tion­al ways to serve you and pro­vide more options for you to pow­er your life.

We’re here when­ev­er you need us. Con­nect with us online, in per­son, through the SmartHub app or our social media chan­nels. How­ev­er you choose to con­nect, please let us know how we can serve you bet­ter.