Coastal Elec­tric would like to intro­duce four of our newest employ­ees that have joined our CEC fam­i­ly. Kylee Hart, Austin Bar­wick, Jacob Polk and Trey Coop­er will be rep­re­sent­ing CEC as they com­pete in the 2023 SC Lineman’s Rodeo being held in Ridge­land, SC, March 24–25th.  There, they will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to show off their skills and com­pete against 80 oth­er appren­tices from across the state of South Car­oli­na.

Coastal Elec­tric start­ed com­pet­ing in the Lineman’s Rodeo in 2006. While prac­tic­ing for the rodeo one after­noon, a group of appren­tices and line­men decid­ed to name the team Coastal Climbers. Coastal Climbers has com­pet­ed for sev­er­al years and has suc­cess­ful­ly won many indi­vid­ual events. In 2009, the team was named cham­pi­ons of the rodeo, win­ning the over­all event.

Coastal Elec­tric is proud of our new appren­tices and very excit­ed to have Coastal Climbers rep­re­sent us in this year’s Lineman’s Rodeo!




SC Lineman's Rodeo Information