DATE:  December 14, 2022
To:  CEC Employees
FROM:  Mark Walling
RE:  Facility Charge — Change Notification

Begin­ning with the Jan­u­ary, 2023 billing cycles, all facil­i­ty charges will increase $3.00 per month.

Facil­i­ty charges are intend­ed to col­lect fixed costs which do not vary sig­nif­i­cant­ly with the demand imposed on the sys­tem or the amount of ener­gy con­sumed. Cost recov­ery for trans­form­ers,  ser­vices, meter­ing and con­sumer account­ing expens­es are includ­ed in these fixed costs.

Trans­former prices alone have dou­bled in the past three years, forc­ing us to raise facil­i­ty charges to off­set the increased cost to serve an indi­vid­ual account.

Please ask your super­vi­sor if you have any ques­tions. Thanks.

Mark Walling