Keeping Pets and Energy Bills Comfortable

By: Anne Prince

I don’t know about you, but I con­sid­er my four-legged com­pan­ion a part of the fam­i­ly. I can’t imag­ine life with­out my dog Bear. I know oth­ers feel this way, too. That’s why dur­ing the win­ter months, we make sure our whole fam­i­ly, includ­ing our four-legged mem­bers, is cozy––without tak­ing a big “bite” out of our bud­get.

This month, I’d like to share a few sim­ple ways you can make your home more com­fort­able this win­ter, which can ulti­mate­ly help you save on ener­gy bills.

At the onset of the cold weath­er sea­son, we replace the HVAC fil­ter for bet­ter air qual­i­ty and to help the unit oper­ate more effi­cient­ly. You can also keep your home cozi­er by caulk­ing and weath­er­strip­ping win­dows and doors. If your home is par­tic­u­lar­ly chilly, you can tape or affix heavy, clear plas­tic to the inside of your win­dow frames to cre­ate an addi­tion­al bar­ri­er against the cold. Ensure that the plas­tic is tight­ly sealed to the frame to help reduce infil­tra­tion.

We know win­ter can be “ruff”, so we set our ther­mo­stat at 68 degrees, a “purr- fect” tem­per­a­ture for peo­ple and pets. This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for small­er, short hair and senior dogs––not just for warmth, but for their gen­er­al health. Pup­pies, kit­tens and old­er pets with arthri­tis or oth­er ail­ments may have a hard­er time con­trol­ling their body heat and need the addi­tion­al warmth when it’s chilly out.

Pets that sleep close to the floor can be sub­ject to cold drafts that enter your home through win­dows and exte­ri­or doors. If your pet’s bed is near a win­dow or door that feels drafty, tight­ly roll up a tow­el and place it near the bot­tom of the door or win­dow to elim­i­nate the draft.  Cut­ting down on cold drafts helps every­one feel more com­fort­able dur­ing cold­er months. If pos­si­ble, ele­vate  your pet’s bed so it’s not placed direct­ly on a cold floor. An old chair or sofa cush­ion works well. If you don’t use a dog bed, take some old blan­kets and cre­ate a donut shape on the cush­ion so the dog can snug­gle and “nest” with­in the blan­ket. You can do the same for cats but on a small­er scale. Blan­kets enable pets to nes­tle into them, even when they aren’t tired, and pro­vide a com­fort­able place for dogs and cats to curl up.

Dur­ing the day, open your blinds and cur­tains to allow sun­light to warm your home. Close win­dow cov­er­ings at night for an added lay­er of insu­la­tion.  At Coastal Elec­tric, we want to help you save ener­gy and mon­ey. Check out our SmartHub app or vis­it our web­site at for addi­tion­al ener­gy-sav­ing tips.

We can’t con­trol the weath­er, but we can pro­vide advice to help you save ener­gy and keep your fam­i­ly and fur­ry friends more dur­ing the win­ter sea­son.